NGC 6992 – The Eastern Veil Nebula
Another nice clear night and a full moon which for most astrophotography sessions you would say oh well the moon is out I wont bother but not any more. Using the Astronomik Ha filter I can shoot during a full moon. And that's exactly what I did last night targeting the Veil Nebula with my Modded Canon 450d and the Ha filter in place. I first got my focus nice and sharp using my home made Bahtinov mask and Astrophotography tools Bahtinov mask aid, then once I was happy with the framing proceeded to take 30 4 minutes subs ISO 1600. You end up throwing out a few due to satellite trails and such but its all part of the task.
After that was done and a good nights sleep up early to process the data and came up with these nice images of the Veil Nebula in Ha and the final Ha RGB combined version.
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