On a roll!
Tonight was a good one although it soon clouded over. Managed to find several galaxy's that I could not find the other night, M102 M101 M51 M33 along with those I also got to M32 M13 and M57 however most of the galaxy's were faint and hard to see with all the light from Bungay town. The lovely double cluster NGC 884 between Cassiopeia and Perseus was a real treat in the x25 wide field lens with or with out the x2 Barlow lens in. Also on show tonight was Jupiter and its moons really bright and giving a good view of its gas bands and moons with the x2 Barlow and x25 wide field lens. Hardest one to spot had to be M33 pinwheel Galaxy found just above the point of the Triangulum constellation very faint like a ghost but clearly in view. As I get used to spotting these deep sky objects I have come to discover that many of them are faint smoky wisps this is possibly down to the fact that I am viewing from the center of town with a lot of light pollution so a dark viewing site should improve things.
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