
Showing posts from 2013

Another try at the Rosette Nebula

AstroTortilla trying it out for the first time..

Orion Nebula fro 2013

Horse Head nebula first of many to come this year

Rosette Nebula reprocessed image from 2012

Using AutoPec in EQMOD to correct periodic error in your mount

Using PEC correction in EQMOD?


Converting an EQ5 mount to a Go to System on a budget

NGC 2403 Galaxy

Thor's Helmet Nebula

Owl Cluster

Fly Nebula in Auriga

Crab Nebula second time round

M81 and M82 progress

Pacman Nebula second try

NGC 7662 – Planetary Nebula in Andromeda, the “Blue Snowball”

Crystal Ball Nebula

Emission Nebula in Perseus Also cataloged as Sh 2-212

Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga

Cone Nebula

A collection of Galaxies around Pegasus

Comet Ison lighting up the sky.

Stars and planets in my Observatory

Quick to the bat cave robin.. The Cave Nebula

Im off to see the Wizard

Galaxy NGC891

Butterfly Nebula in Cygnus

Ghost Nebula

All heart, but a small part

Mosaic of The North American Nebula

"The Wall" In Cygnus

AstroEQ a great solution to getting a full go to system with an EQ5 mount.

Observatory complete and new set up under way